Free YouTube Yoga Videos
New free yoga classes are uploaded regularly on the Jacqui Noël Yoga YouTube channel. The classes are aimed at beginner - intermediate level, allowing anybody to experience yoga. Come join me and practice with my growing library of classes!
If you want to follow my monthly program, download the free yoga calendar here.

20-Minute Slow But Strong Flow
20 minutes is all it takes to find inner balance, build strength, and enhance your well-being. Today's practice offers a slightly slower pace, empowering poses, a dash of strength-building, and a good old stretch at the end, to leave you feeling refreshed and centered.

15-Minute ASMR Yoga for Back Pain
Give back to your back with this quiet and gentle yoga sequence that will soothe your mind as well. It's perfect if you have any small back aches or pains, or tightness and stiffness. It's also great just to keep your spine healthy and happy.

15-Minute Pure Sun Salutations
Need a quick no fuss warm-up? Or maybe you just want to move without the complication of following an entire yoga flow? Then Sun Salutations are perfect for you! Join me for 5 Surya Namaskar A and 5 Surya Namaskar B. We take 2 breaths in each Downward Facing Dog. I also show modifications and progressions as we go along, so choose the variation that suits you today.

15-Minute Neck and Shoulder Stretch
Neck some quick relief from tension in your neck and shoulders? Then join me for this 15 minute stretch to find some much needed release. Do this stretch every day and you'll notice much more range of movement with less stress in your upper body.

25-Minute No Chaturanga Vinyasa Flow
Don't like Chaturangas? Find them too difficult? Got an injury and can't do them? This flow is for you! We substitute the Plank - Chaturanga - Upward Facing Dog sequence in this Vinyasa Yoga flow for something less intense.

15-Minute ASMR Yoga for Digestion
It's Christmas day and you've overindulged just a little. Here's a short sequence to get things moving inside.
Put on some loose pants, turn up the relaxing music, and gather your family and friends.