Your German Yoga Dictionary

Be confident attending a yoga class in German with this list of some of the most common yoga poses translated from English to German.

Moving to a country where you don’t speak the language is tough. Add on top of that, practising yoga in a different language! This can have you completely turned around in the class. However, your bravery is to be commended. Hopefully this list of some of the most common yoga poses in German will help you understand your teacher better, and have you feeling more confident to join a yoga class in German.

Yoga Poses - English-German

(in alphabetical order)

Boat Pose - das Boot
Bow Pose -
der Bogen
Bridge Pose - die Brücke / die Schulterbrïcke
Camel Pose - das Kamel
Cat and Cow - Katze-Kuh
Chair Pose -
die Stuhlstellung / kraftvolle Haltung
Child’s Pose - die Kindhaltung
Cobra Pose - die Kobra
Corpse Pose (Savasana) - die Totenhaltung
Crow Pose - die Krähe
Dancer Pose - Shivas Tanzhaltung
Dolphin Pose - der Delphin
Downward Facing Dog -
Herabschauender Hund
Eagle Pose - der Adler
Easy Pose - der Schneidersitz
Fish Pose - der Fisch
Extended Side Angle - die Flankendehnung
Happy Baby - Happy Baby
Headstand - der Kopfstand
Head-to-Knee Pose - die Knie-Kopf-Haltung
Mountain Pose - der Berg / die Berghaltung
(Half) Pigeon Pose - die Taube
Locust Pose - die Heuschrecke
Plow Pose - der Pflug
Seated Forward Fold - die sitzende Vorbeuge
Shoulderstand - der Schulterstand / die Kerze
Sphinx Pose - die Sphinx
Standing Forward Fold - die stehende Vorbeuge
Sun Salutation - der Sonnengruß
Tree Pose
- der Baum / die Baumstellung
Triangle Pose - die Dreieckshaltung
Upward Facing Dog - Heraufschauender Hund 
Warrior I - Krieger I / die Heldenhaltung
Warrior II - Krieger II / die Heldenhaltung /der Bogenschütze
Warrior III - Krieger III / die Standwaage
Wheel Pose - das Rad
Wide-Legged Forward Fold - die gegrätschte stehende Vorbeuge

Armed with the knowledge of these most common yoga poses, you should feel more comfortable attending yoga classes in German. Happy practising!

Jacqui sitting in yoga Butterfly Pose

Prefer to do private yoga classes in English? Send me a message and let’s discuss how I can help you.


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